Thursday, 27 August 2015

Final Day, Final Thoughts

Half a year ago, I had no idea I would be spending the final three weeks of my summer in Costa Rica. It was kind of a last minute decision to join my sister and her friends. During the first few weeks of my summer, I was so preoccupied with work and school, I had not even thought about what to expect when coming here. Yet here I am, expectations (or lack thereof) replaced by the expectation of me to write about my experiences on this blog. So, here is a list of five things you should expect when coming to work with the Corcovado Foundation.

I should mention - I was fortunate enough to volunteer both in El Progresso and Rio Oro, in August. Both were different entirely but equally wonderful. In Rio Oro, we were privileged enough to grow really close as a team and see and work with many turtles, whereas in El Progresso, we were able to help with more general work and meet even more people. Anyways, what to expect...

1. Cold showers.
Youre in rural Costa Rica! Embrace the river swims, and the rain storms that cool the air, and the cold showers. The showers were actually very appreciated - they cool you down when you feel permanently clammy. There was nothing better than hopping in the cool, open air shower at the camp in Rio Oro after a busy, hot, summer night on the beach. 

2. A permanent state of happy sleep deprivation.
Everyone might say you rest all day, but thats not necessarily true. There is a lot of down time, sure- but there are so many fantastic people to spend your time with and fantastic things to do, you will likely find yourself happily sleep deprived for most of your stay. Waking up earlier one day than you went to sleep two nights ago is one of the unique experiences of volunteering in turtle conservation. Even with that, every day, a new opportunity to see something new or help with something different or do something new came up. Besides that, especially in Rio Oro, the happiness of working with turtles and of the experience in itself outweighed the lack of sleep.  
That being said, the people here are not slave drivers, if you need rest you will get rest!

3. Being "one" with nature.
Insects to mammals, everywhere I have stayed here has been pretty open-air concept. Even when you are not intentionally looking for wildlife (hiking in Rio Oro, we saw poisonous tree frogs, monkeys, toucans... the list goes on), the wildlife is all around. Macaws at the beach, spiders the size of a playing card in your room, you get the drift. There are turtles, too - obviously. Think of how incredible it is to be surrounded by nature literally right outside of your door, and be prepared for the mosquitoes and host of other insects so you can enjoy the rest.  

4. Doing things you arent remotely used to (and might not be entirely comfortable with, but will love all the same).
On my list? Relocating turtle nests, walking on the beach with beautiful tropical thunderstorms on the horizon, crossing knee deep bodies of murky water in the dark - at home, you might be able to say "Hey, at least there are no crocodiles!", but that isnt necessarily the case here -, riding in the back of pickup trucks, being trusted with power tools youve never used... just to name a few.  Be prepared for the cliche of "stepping out of your comfort zone"!

5. Falling in love with the people, the country, and the lifestyle.
Everyone I have met here is someone I have learned something from. Every experience was something I grew from. The food is great, the people are generous and kind and welcoming, and the pace of life is very easy going, very "pura vida". Every day I have been here, I have grown to love it more. 

So many things have happened here, I couldnt choose any specific event to write about- but I can say that for all the challenges, this trip was the best trip I hadnt expected to go on.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Everything is possible and nothing is for sure

"Everything is possible and nothing is for sure" this saying has proven to be very true during my time in Costa Rica. It is my third and final week with the Corcovado foundation and it has been an amazing experience. From the moment I arrived here in Drake Bay I have felt an feeling of peace. Whether your laying in a hammock listening to the sounds of the rain forest or walking along the beach in the dark, there is a feeling of wholeness and happiness. There are so many things I want to write about, but I will just write about my favourite night patrol.

We were out in Rio Oro, another location where the Corcovado foundation works along side an organization called LAST. We were all fairly tired after patrolling for a couple nights in a row, but you always forgot how tired you were once you saw a turtle, which in Rio Oro was every night. That night, the director of Corcavado, Rob, had came out with us on patrol. He said he was good luck or something, we thought he was just kidding. As we stood waiting for an indecisive olive ridley turtle to find a spot to lay her eggs we looked at the stars. It was a beautiful night. There was not a cloud in the sky and all the stars were visible. You could see the Milky Way galaxy so clearly that it made you feel small.

Rob piped up "I have a feeling we are going to see a green turtle tonight, it is always a beautiful night when you see a green turtle". He rambled on about the last green turtle he saw while we continued heading down the beach. Down the beach, clearly etched in the sand, we could see turtle tracks going up the beach. We had seen many tracks by this time, but these ones looked different than the olive ridley tracks that we usually saw. They were clean, defined and larger. We walked towards the tracks with excitement and examined them closer with a red light while Aida went to see what the turtle was doing.

Now that we were close to the tracks, we could clearly see that they belonged to a green sea turtle, which did not come to this beach as often as the olive ridley turtles. Aida beckoned us to come up the beach. There she was, preparing to head back to the sea already. She was very determined to walk straight through us and back down the beach, but we tried to hold her down for just a couple minutes. I quickly took her measurements while Aida and Rob wrote down her tag information. After that we let her go and she walked back down to the ocean, stopping every couple seconds to exhale. We followed slowly, staying a few steps behind her until she was swept away by a wave.

In that same night I got to relocate a nest of an olive ridley turtle. She had chosen a spot right next to the lagoon, which we knew would soon be underwater as it is only the beginning of the rainy season. I lied behind her in the sand, collecting the eggs as they dropped into the nest. Each egg a perfect white circle, delicate and soft. I counted them as I placed them into the relocation bag. 97! There were 97 eggs in the bag. We let her cover up the now empty nest and we carried the eggs down the beach to a safer spot. They are surprisingly heavy! Once we found a suitable spot, Aida began to dig a nest, so perfect in neat because you would not expect anything less from Aida. I held the eggs in my lap as I looked at the stars. It was a memory I will not soon forget. Once the whole was dug, with its perfect chamber, I lowered the eggs into their new nest.

I suppose Rob did prove to be good luck on patrol that night, but each night was amazing in one way or another. My time here in Costa Rica has been amazing. I have made so many memories and met so many incredible people. My only wish is that I could stay longer.

Que bonita es la vida en una hamaca!

Ali, 20, Canada

Hot Pink Crocs

They were a last minute addition  to my backpack, almost an after thought. After constant ridicule back in Canada for even owning a pair, I never would have imagined that they would have carried me this far. I find it hard to believe the single best item brought with me on this trip was a pair of pink crocs (I recommend the investment).

When my friends and I arrived in Drake Bay, I don't believe any of us had a real clue of how much of an adventure we were about to embark on. We were rapidly whisked off to Rio Oro within the first few days of arrival, me with my crocs in tow. Rio Oro is a far more rustic conservation location than what you'd find in Drake Bay, completely cut off from the outside world. Every day spent there was full of incredible experiences similar to things that your parents warned you never participate in. 

 On a typical day it wouldn't be uncommon to wade through knee deep crocodile lagoons in the middle of the night, wrestle with massive sea turtles during tagging, cover 10km a night on pristine beaches during night patrol, and get sprinted off the beach during a rapidly approaching lightning storm. 

Much to my friends amusement, my feet and I were constantly very grateful that I had the always fashionable crocs on my feet.  (I would also like to point out that they were the shoe of choice by the local guides.) 

My time spent with the Corcovado Foundation has definitely been filled with experiences that I will never forget, or be able to properly explain to anyone back home! Getting to interact on such an intimate level with the sea turtles and learn about their conservation was more than worthwhile. For anyone looking for an unforgettable experience with some truly amazing people I recommend making your way down here yourself and seeing where the adventure takes you.

Pura Vida

- Heather, 20, Canada

Monday, 24 August 2015

The Best of Both Worlds

        Before my friends and I arrived in Drake Bay we were told that there would be an opportunity to see Rio Oro as well, given that we were staying longer than two weeks. Despite the fact that we hadn't expected to stay somewhere so secluded, we were excited to hear that we could go "glamping" in an area where we would be able to interact with more turtles. 

        After staying in San Jose for our initial orientation, we stayed in Drake Bay for two nights before heading out to Rio Oro. The Hacienda Rio Oro where the volunteers stay is located in an area with only very few other homes. Volunteers stay in tents on raised platforms, with no electricity or WiFi. It was a nice change to be disconnected from the world in that way and to be focused on spending time with old friends, and making new ones. The accommodations were described as being simplistic, but were very new and comfortable. 


      We stayed in Rio Oro for a week, and although there are a limited number of tours to go on during the day in comparison to Drake Bay, we went hiking, kayaking, horseback riding, and traveled to Carate to visit the beach there. The best part about Rio Oro is the opportunity to work with many turtles every night, and to grow close with a small group of people in a short amount of time. We got to see both Green Turtles and Olive Ridley's, which made the nightly patrols go by quickly. When the time came to leave, we'd not only grown attached to the area and the way of life there, but the people that we were able to spend our week with. On our last night, we were able to see a cow being born and watched a very colorful sunset from the ranch. 

     Coming back from Rio Oro made El Progreso, a small town of 150, seem civilized and busy. Being here has been a very different experience. There are far fewer turtles every night, but the beach does offer the opportunity to swim. Going to the beach here also involved a walk through a flooded portion of the lagoon, much like Rio Oro, but there is a canoe here to take across for night patrols as well. The hostel here offers a totally different experience, as do the home-stays. You meet a lot more people and there are a lot of activities during the day, but it is harder to get to know the others in the same way. 

     Both Drake Bay and Rio Oro are amazing experiences on their own - but for anyone that has the chance to do both, I would highly recommend it!


Sunday, 23 August 2015

Dos Semanas En La Fundaciôn Corcovado

Tras dos semanas sumergida en el Proyecto de Tortugas de la Fundaciôn Corcovado aislada de lo que me rodeaba en mi ciudad, retomo el contacto con las nuevas tecnologîas para plasmar mi experiencia en este increible lugar antes de coger una avioneta con destino a San Josê.

Volviendo la vista atrâs me doi cuenta de todo lo que he aprendido de un sector que desconocia y que nada tiene que ver con mi profesiôn. He aprendido a distinguir tortugas, sus rastros en la noche, a preveer cuantas tortugas saldrân a anidar en funciôn de la marea y de la luna, a escuchar atentamente historias de los lîderes locales en las patrullas sobre un medio que es su vida, a reubicar los nidos para proteger los huevos que cuidadosamente la tortuga camufla en la arena y sobre todo a respetar y valorar enormemente las acciones llevadas a cabo por la Fundaciôn y la involucraciôn de un poblado ante un proyecto de conservaciôn tan a largo plazo que probablemente sean sus hijos quienes puedan ver el resultado de tanto esfuerzo en patrullas y viveros.

De toda mi experiencia destaco cada uno de los minutos vividos en Rio Oro, os recomiendo a todos si tenêis la oportunidad de ir que lo hagâis, estar una semana sin electricidad, telêfono, internet y volver a mantener conversaciones sin un whatsApp que las interrumpa sino que sea porque alguiên nos señale que ha visto una lupa, un mono aullador o una araña pícacaballo no tiene precio.

Por ûltimo, comentar que ademâs del Proyecto y de lo enriquecedor que ha sido si me tengo que quedar con quedo con las personas que he conocido.
Volunteering here is truly a great experience that should be embraced to the fullest. Make friends, try things you normally wouldn´t and make the most of the time you have here.

"If you live every day of your life as if you are on a wonderful journey through an endlessly fascinating, strange land --- you are"

Friday, 21 August 2015

Veni, Vidi, Amavi

I have been here for 3 days, and already this has been the most adventurous, enjoyable and eye-opening trip I have experienced! I arrived in San Jose on Sunday, and as the plane landed I was excited and nervous (mostly nervous), I couldn't help thinking to myself, "what have I gotten myself into" as this is the first big trip I have done alone. It took a a day or two to get settled, but I already know it is going to very hard to leave this wonderful place. Being in San Jose for two nights was an adventure itself, however, as an environmental science student I couldn't have been more excited to take the long 9 hour journey to Drake Bay and get out into nature. The second I got here it felt like home. Everyone is so welcoming and friendly and the atmosphere is very relaxing. I have only been here a short amount of time but I feel like I have done so much, and there is still so much I want to do! I think the trek to the beach may be my favourite part, although it is long, there is much to see and do on the way. Whether its waving to locals, playing with dogs, canoeing across the lagoon or taking the "Indian Jones" style bridge, something new always happens each time I go to the beach. I have done two night patrols so far, I haven't seen a turtle yet, but I have not lost hope, I still have lots of time! The night patrols can be quite tiring however it is beautiful to just look at the stars and watch the lightning light of the sky and the fireflies light up the beach. I am here for another week and a few days but I am already wishing it was longer.

I have so many stories already that I can't wait to share with my family when I get back home. There have been so many "I can't believe I'm doing this right now" moments and I absolutely love it. I have done so many things I never thought I would. I've always loved traveling and I have been lucky enough to have gone on many vacations but after this trip I feel like this is the first time I've REALLY traveled. Coming here and living with a host family, and being thrown into their culture and way of life, it's just so different then just going to some resort and lying on a beach. I feel more a part of a community and I love being able to help protect the sea turtles. This was a huge step out of my comfort zone and I'm so happy that I did it. I have fallen in love with Costa Rica.

I wish I could post a picture but clumsy me fell out of the canoe into the river and soaked my phone on the first day, but that's okay its just the universe telling me to get off my phone and enjoy this beautiful place.

Veni, Vidi, Amavi. I came, I saw, I loved.

Peace and Love,

       - Rachel, 19, Canada

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

An experience for a lifetime

Today is my last day in the turtle project and knowing this leaves me somehow with a bad feeling. The last 24 days passed so fast also if the life here is really quiet. And in the village EL Progreso  is not really much to do, besides going to one of the two pulperias. The work with the turtles is mostly limited on the night. Each of the two night shifts lasts four hours, the first begins at 8pm, the second one on midnight. This was for me really tiring after a time, especially when you have to patrol a few days in a row. Besides the night work there are also the shifts in the hatchery, where you have to take care that no eggs get stolen by poachers. But somehow this work simply consists of chilling in a hamac.

I was always left behind with my mouth wide open by all the great nature you can find in the environment of the village, from a huge amount of different butterflies to rare snakes, toucans and a lot of loud parrots and even louder monkeys. This includes also the underwater world of the Caño Island, where you can meet for sure some turtles, sharks and if you have some luck also dolphins and whales.

Rio Oro - A must see 

When volunteers are staying in the project longer than two weeks, they have the possibility to go to Rio Oro, where the turtle partner project of the Corcovado Foundation is located. I took this chance and I was really surprised how good it did to be away from internet, electricity and also the possibility simply going to a grocery store, because there was no one in this accumulation of a few houses. I could really enjoy the calmness and the nature in its finest.

The food is simple and tasty with a lot of rice and beans, as you can imagine. =) And there are way more turtles than on the beach of EL Progreso. Touching the skin of a turtle, when she is laying eggs on the beach gives you a feeling that can’t be explained.

Enjoying life together

To sum up it can be said that working with the turtles makes a lof of fun, but you have to expect that your work exists of long walks on the beach during nighttime and that sometimes you must be lucky to see a turtle and not only her track on the beach. But after all the work with the turtle with the combination of seeing all this great spots in the Costa Rican nature makes this stay to an experience I really don’t want to miss in my lifetime. Meeting people and volunteers from all over the world and going a small way of life together made the stay even better.

Julia, 23, Italy

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Mi experiencia en la fundación Corcovado ha sido positiva desde el principio. Antes de llegar a Drake Bay me mandaron la información necesaria sobre el proyecto así que sabía exactamente que esperar sobre el trabajo que iba a realizar.

Los coordinadores del proyecto son muy amables y atentos a las necesidades de los voluntarios. Aunque yo no tuve la opción de alojarme en el hostal porque estaba lleno, me alegra haberme hospedado en una casa de familia porque me dio la oportunidad de convivir de cerca con la gente del sector y darme cuenta que la mayoría de esta comunidad comparte el ideal de proteger a las tortugas marinas.

Otro aspecto positivo del proyecto es que como voluntarios también tenemos la oportunidad de ayudar en otro lugar  a 3 horas aproximadamente de Drake Bay llamado Rio Oro. Yo me quedé una semana ahí y fue una experiencia increíble porque pude ver muchas tortugas anidando. Vale mucho la pena ir a Rio Oro sobre todo en esta época que no se ven muchas tortugas en Drake Bay, así que si vienen por 2 o más semanas es buena idea combinar entre los dos lugares.

El trabajo que realizamos consta basicamente de patrullas noctunas para localizar a las tortugas anidando  o nidos ya hechos. . En Drake Bay también se cuida el vivero en el día donde se reubican los huevos encontrados. Aunque muchas veces es cansado pues toca quedarse despierto hasta muy tarde caminando varias horas en la playa y a veces con lluvia todos tenemos muy claro la razón por la que lo hacemos y el hecho de saber que estamos creando un impacto positivo en la conservaciónb de esta especie hace que valga la pena el esfuerzo.

Ahora estoy de vuelta en Drake Bay por unos días más trabajando y aprovenchando de los tours que ofrece el hostal a lugares cercanos como el parque nacional Corcovado, la isla Caño, entre otros. En general esta ha sido una linda experiencia donde he conocido muy buenas personas y lugares hermosos llenos de vida silvestre!

Nefi (Ecuador)

Monday, 17 August 2015

Wedding anniversary

August 12, 2015

For our ten year wedding anniversary, we knew we wanted to go away, but we weren´t sure exactly what we wanted to do.  We were nervous to leave our two daughters behind for two weeks.

We decided to try something outside of our comfort zone and we´re so glad that we did!  This is our first trip that we are staying with a host family and doing conservation work.  Staying with our host family has truely given us the opportunity to experience the “rico” culture of Costa Rica.  We also made some great friends! 

We have learned a lot about the turtle conservation project and are impressed with the collaborative nature of the project and the way it reaches out to local families and schools to educate the community. 
So far the highlight of our trip was during our morning “censo” (i.e. the early morning census of the beach) when we discovered some fresh turtle tracks and were able to locate the turtle nest by ourselves.  After confirming that the eggs were in the nest, we then camoflauged the entire area in order to hide the nest from poachers.  

Overall, this has been an eyeopening and exciting trip!  We need to run now though to prepare for our night beach patrol in a few hours!
Jesse & Karen Ferguson
Marion, Massachusetts
United States

I can easily say that the experience I'm having here in Costa Rica is one of the best thing I did in my life. The people here a so nice and welcoming, the locals in particular are very sweet. I've arrived here after spending two days in San Josee, and this place is a little peace of paradises. Ive saw so many exotics animals, unfortunately I didnt saw a turtle yet but maybe Ill be lucky at my next night patrol. 

the ambiance at the hostel is very nice, everybody is relax and they always try to organize excursions to make us discover the beautiful landscapes. There is always something to do or you can just relax in one of the many hamacs and just appreciated the life here. 

there is always something to see and learn, the conservation program is doing a lot to help not only the turtle but also to improve the life of the families and all the community. Each day I can discover something new and be completely amaze by the nature and the way that people live here.

Its been an experience that has change the ways i see life, and one of the greatest things i did in my life !       

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Corcovado Fundation

-What a journey !

My trip in Costa Rica is from far the best I have ever done in my life. Not only the landscapes are one of the most beautiful things I have seen, but also because the people here are truely amazing. They are extremely polite and full of life. Never have I seen someone not saying ´´hola´´ or not waving his hands when we see each other. I can easily understand why ´´pura vida´´ is their motto !

Talking about visiting, I went downtown San Jose for my first two days. I recommend it for anyone who likes walking through huge crowds and go to some museums, churches ! Definitely, it´s a good thing to do if it is your first time in Costa Rica. After all, visiting the capital is a pretty natural thing to do ! We left San Jose on Tuesday the 11th in order to go to Drake Bay. During the bus ride (9 hours), we went through heavy jungle, forests, small towns. It was amazing !

What can I say about Drake Bay and its surroundings ? First of all, the hostel is a really nice place where everyone comes to chill, have a nice time. The people managing it are really cool and kind. The inhabitants of El Progresso are lovely people. I just love being in my homestay. The hosts, Edin and Yrlani are the kindest people on earth, definitely ! I had the chance to go to a waterfall, a river. There are so many places where you can swim, it is unbelievable ! Of course, the beach is the place to go, what a view from there ! But there is not just water here. Hiking and walking through the forest is something that you have to experience. You could have the chance to see birds, monkeys and other animals !

The turtle conservation program is so far a good experience; even though, I haven´t had the chance to see a single turtle. Elias and Eva, the biologists are really nice people. They try to do anything to pass their knowledge and love of turtles. They make sure that we´re having a good experience.

When coming here, I did not know what to expect in any aspects. Now, thanks to the things I have seen, the places I have been and the people I have met, I can easily say that I do not regret coming here at all.

Monday, 10 August 2015


A veces imaginas el paraíso...un lugar remoto, lejano, lleno de árboles verdes con lianas colgando de ellos y monos que bajan de esos árboles para comer alguna banana que se ha caído del bananero... Mientras los tucanes multicolor vuelan por encima de las copas de los árboles y algún perezoso sube lentamente a comer hojas de un guarumo. Miras hacia arriba y escuchas la inmensa cantidad de ruidos de vida que se oyen alrededor tuyo y piensas en todos los animales y plantas que te rodean. Respiras hondo y tus pulmones se llenan de un aire que jamás podía ser tan puro...estás en el paraíso. Si caminas una media hora des del proyecto, llegas a un aeropuerto de película, donde la sala de espera es la misma que la sala de embarque y los bancos están hechos de árboles centenarios. La terminal tiene unos 20 metros cuadrados y la pista de aterrizaje está rodeada de sapos enormes a la noche. Des de allí se llega a la playa, parte importante de este paraíso. Una playa que cuando la ves por primera vez pone los pelos de punta y no puedes dejar de mirarla...llena de cocos y palmeras altas.
Ahora des de donde escribo se oye un queco y dos guacamayos que se han posado en un árbol cercano. Antonio el lagarto del hostal corre por la red de delante de la pared de afuera y yo, despues de esta graan inspiración poética...creo que no quiero marcharme nunca de este paraíso...
peace, lovee and sea turtles... qué mas se puede pedir.

Pura vida!

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Our experience here with the Corcovada Foundation has been everything we hoped and more. Just last night on our last patrol in Rio Oro we saw eighteen turtles on the south side of the beach. It was exhausting but exhilerating keeping track of each and every mother as she made the long trek up the moonlit beach to create her nest and lay her eggs. Each patrol was more exciting and action packed than the last. I will never forget our long nights on the outskirts of the Central American jungle, watching in awe as these endangered creatures fought the odds to keep up the survival of their species. Of course while the turtles kept us on our toes, they were not the only thing leaving us breathless these past two weeks. The scenery alone in both Drake Bay and at Hacienda Rio Oro is enough to travel any amount of miles just to experience it. When I first entered this jungle I saw the color green as I never have before. The wild life is flourishing. Howler monkeys, crocodiles, tree frogs and even jungle cats have appeared to us throughout our rainforest adventures and given us all a sense of how wild the world we live in truly is. The hospitality has been above and beyond. The marine biologists and our guides at Rio Oro, Eva and Elias, are some of the most beautiful souls I have ever met. They are so selfless, and have done everything they can and more to make sure that the turtles are safe and that the volunteers are having the ultimate experience here. I am going to miss lazy days drinking coconuts on the endless beach, gazing out at the great blue pacific in it´s primal state, and listening to the crashing of the waves. I am going to miss exploring the exotic rainforests and mangrove forrests by foot, horseback,and kayak. But most of all I am going to miss the people I have met here and the memories that we have made together. Going off the grid in the depths of the Costa Rican jungle may have been a dramatic change from the comfortable western amenties I have become accustomed to, but there is nothing I ever could have done that would have opened my eyes, my mind, and my heart more than this amazing trip.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Tortuga! Run!!

Last night was my first patrol, so although the group expected to see a turtle I didn´t expect to have any hands-on experience with one. I waited outside my homestay at 7:30 waiting for the first shift leaders and the other patrollers. I merge with them, and we continue on our way to the beach.
To get there we must cross a lagoon, either by boat or bridge. There are too many people for the boat this time so we cross the marshy water to get to the bridge. In most places it is only ankle deep, but closer it gets higher and touches my shorts. Our headlights are on the white mode so we can see. They leave big roving spots on the mud.
Crossing the bridge is not unlike what you see in Indiana Jones. It is made of rope and wood, can only be crossed in single-file, and swings with the weight of our group.
We dismount onto the beach, and the group splits into north and south side patrol squads. I am with the north side. We are almost halfway to the end when we see three red lights. This is the signal for a turtle. We all run towards the signal. 
I have never run on the beach before. It was an exhilarating feeling. The ocean to the right crashing in luminous sprays, black glitter above me, the sway of the palms to the left.
We reach the turtle. We can only use red light on the beach, and only when necessary. Aida asks who wants to do the eggs. I say that I can. I´m surprised I was the first to volunteer but happy as well. She hands me the gloves and the relocation bag. I pull the gloves on and open the bag as quick as I can, and then she directs me behind the turtle to lay down and open up the nest-hole a little bit beneath the carapace so I don´t touch her flippers or any sensitive areas. By one or two eggs I fill the relocation bag. reaching beneath her carefully and extracting my hand doubly as carefully. As I do this Tomas tags the turtle. The eggs are soft. The laying rate slows, so that sometimes I have to wait for an egg to plop down and scoop it up. There are 81, a small amount considering the average is around 100. When she´s finished I retreat quickly and let Tomas do what he needs to do with the rest of the relocation process.
Afterwards we watch the turtle complete her nesting process, clean up, and then follow her run back to the ocean sweeping her tracks away with our feet. Afterwards we continue the patrol for around three hours, resting and giving the hello signal (two red lights) at each end of our side of the beach.
We don´t see another turtle, but it was the beginning of the season so it´s bueno. 
I am filled with an accomplishment.
At midnight the patrol is over and the two groups become one again. On our way back across the bridge a huge spider is building his web connected to the hand-rope. I walk through it and choke down a little bit of panic, brushing myself off quickly and choosing to ignore the spider, on me or no. The bridge sways too much for me to pay attention to this now. Not only could I fall but I could pitch others into the lagoon with me. Obviously I do not do that. We make it back down into the marsh and wade back to land, the waterline lowering on my legs steadily. The walk back to the homestay only takes a second because it is on the same road to the beach. 
I tell my comrade everything that happened, lay down, and fall asleep without even a sheet.<3 <3 <3