Friday, 17 July 2015

Six Chicas in the Jungle

We came to Bahia Drake during an exciting time; filled with the unknown. The turtles are coming but the date is not written in stone. Hard work is taking place on the beach to build the hatchery and night patrols have started with a few track spottings. A full enslaught of sea turtles have not quite made their way to Drake but we have heard that the turtles have begun to make their way up onto the shores of Rio Oro, the new, yet unknown camp being set up by Fundacion Corcovado. Us six chicas (that arrived here to Drake Bay on Tuesday) are about to be whisked away to join up with another group of volunteers at Rio Oro.

During our time here at Drake Bay we have learned all the skills necessary to be successful on our turtle adventure. We have taken Sea Turtle 101: Tracking, Nesting and Camoflauging. With all these "classes" we still managed to find time to go on a fabulous adventure to Isla de Caño. Under blue skies and the tender care of Felix our guide, we scoped out some amazing sights while in the boat, on the beach and under the water snorkling. These sights included (but are not limited to) dolphins, hawksbill sea turtle, big fish, small fish, red fish and blue fish, a shark, white faced monkeys, macaws, humpback whales and ... we are sure a whole lot more.

Around the camp we have been introduced to the caimans and the multiple dogs, cows, horses, pigs, donkeys and birds. We know the village sloth is out there somewhere but it has yet to be spotted. We have met some great people and made a lot of new friends and some great memories and we are very excited for the unknown to come tomorrow. Well, not the complete unknown. We do know that we are going off the grid, goodbye Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and email. Excited for such a primative experience - pura vida!

Hasta luego,
Six Chicas

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