Saturday, 17 October 2015


When thinking back over our cuatro weeks with the Corcovado Foundation nosotros find it hard to put words to our experience.  Every day was a new adventure. From tortugias with three flippers to elusive mammals eating mangos and chips on our front porch, you can never guess what’s going to happen next!
Over the tres semanas we spent in Rio Oro we saw almost cien olive ridley turtles(lora), tres Tortuga negro y muchos tortugitas. The rugged and remote location of Rio Oro [plus lack of wifi] really made us feel closer to nature. The local ninos(Oscar y Wilson y loco Wilber) that came with us on our patrols helped us to learn some basic Spanish [as you can see throughout our blog post it has expanded immensely]. We learnt about the tides, marea alta/ marea baja and le mar, la luna, le cielo y actividad por el tortugas.
Some activities we got to partake in at Rio Oro included,  ordenar sacar leche con vacas and making queso from said leche, washing the water buffalo, a ver monos y VAMOS A MONTAR A CABALLO, leading Costa Rican jungle treks (without Muñeco), playa clean up and so much more. One of our personal highlights was to see the guapa roseate spoonbills, a bird that we never thought we would see.
In Drake Bay our favourite job was relaxing in the hammocks at the hatchery. Taking part in exhumations allowed us to see underdeveloped tortugitas and other factors that effect and impede the growth of a turtle.
Overall, this experience has changed us for the better, allowing us to expand our knowledge of tortugas, tico culture and leadership skills. We have blossomed throughout our Tortuga journey and we will now forever glistening and sparkle like the bioluminescence that twinkles in the arena between our toes, like the Estrella fugaz above our heads (a glitter sandwich if you will) and the glow of the Tortuga carapace will forever be in our hearts.

And who is the elusive WE that we speak of, that’s for us to know and for you to find out.  xoxo gossip goat.

Con Mucho Gusto,

Lucia, Karla, Flash y Muñeco (not Cocoa).

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